MIT Science Fiction Society

84 Massachusetts Avenue

Cambridge, MA 02139

MITSFS Meeting Minutes

Friday, September 19, 2008

MITSFS meeting called to order, 61.2 Ksec SST, Ekaterina Kuznetsova, President and Skinner, presiding; Christian Ternus, Onseck, recording.

Minutes read.

Motion to banana fails by Skinnerial decree.

Motion to commend the reading of the minutes as being fast but legible chickens 7-3-7 plus Spehn

Kate has not slept.


Committee Reports

mgentile shouldn't have sat next to the gavel.


We sent out mail about prentices. Also, Nancy (nshen) became a prentice!

Pianocomm has sent out a list of projects that prentices should take!

The purpose of prentii is to flip out and shelve books.

Don't let the Gor books out! No! Nooooo!


mgentile is going to poison her brain in the name of science.


Jourcomm sent mail to the social list, so we should get more stories, yaaay.


I think there is science fiction today, but nobody knows. It's a surprise. Maybe Farscape.


The Onseck reinforced some of the dividers and membership sheets.

Warcraft books in Chinese! Uh, woo?


The LHE got Treasurer-trained!


Dexhamster is up to 7200 lines.

We should put some boxes. Of books. In the Secret Catapult. On the Moon.

Star Chamber

The Thunderbunnies are not a mail handling system.

There will be a special meeting of the Instrumentality tomorrow at 5 PM or whenever the book-getting mob gets back, whichever is later.


Trojan would like to request a special Magic Dance.


We are going on an odyssey off-campus tomorrow at 9:30 AM to pick up an obscenely large number of books from a gentleman who has run out of space. We have $300 of banker's boxes.

Titanic Tetris

Kevin paid the warehouse bill, which was overdue.


Old Business

BTS tells us a story about his ancient check, issued to him for $7.50 when he was an undergrad and subsequently reissued every so often.

KKB: ``So... you've come here to fight for your seven dollars?''
BTS: ``And fifty cents!''


New Business

We'll just forget about the usual motion.

ALC: ``Yarr, it be -''
The motion is seconded, and passes 12-3-2 plus Spehn.

BING! Meeting adjourned, 66.6 Ksec SST.

There is a talk being given about Tolkien and Language on Monday.

There is also a talk being given by Neal Stephenson on Sunday!

Respectfully submitted,
Christian Ternus, Onseck