MIT Science Fiction Society

84 Massachusetts Avenue

Cambridge, MA 02139

MITSFS Meeting Minutes

Friday, MONTH DAY, 2008

MITSFS meeting called to order, 61.2 Ksec SST, Ekaterina Kuznetsova, President and Skinner, presiding; Christian Ternus, Onseck, recording.

Minutes read.

BTS: “Sticker prentice? ... but -”
KCR: “Albanian!”

The Albanian fails 1-14-2 plus Spehn.

CAK: Motion to condemn Jacky's chips for being painful to eat 14-7-5 plus Spehn
JGC: Motion to condemn Keach for whining 9-6-7 plus Spehn
KCR: Matrix motion 8-9-2 plus Spehn

Determinant is -283 and all motions fail. Let that be a lesson to you all.

Motion to commend [their]selves for not breaking the Onseck chickens 6-6-6 plus Spehn



Committee Reports


Look, there's a new TIF! ESK: Hey, I'm still on it!


David Brin is still coming here on Wednesday, October 29!

CAK has a shiny.

Titanic Tetris

KCR and KKB moved a lot of processed boxes to the Annex. Woo.


There's a play currently on, Midsummer Night's Dream, with prentices and keyholders in it!


I'm so depressed: we keep running out of membership sheets. So I made more. Don't talk to me about life.


Anticipationcomm is still looking for help. Woot.

So, yeah.


Because Katiecomm doesn't do enough.

Katiecomm did a little work.


Old Business

There was someone who came into the Library who wanted to look at really old minutes. It's like Old Business. Really Old Business.

We have Cthulhu in our filing cabinet. Don't worry, that's the Reserve Cthulhu. Do we have a Circulating Cthulhu? No, someone checked him out and lost him. The fine is... murder.

MKR reads ancient Soviet minuteski aloud.

Were these minutes taken by the Swedish Chef?


Move to declare the Onseck^WVice^WLHE an honorary member of the Soviet Worker's Party passes unanimous-2-5 plus Spehn

You found 1974 in the filing cabinet?

Oh my God, the Skinner is crazy. “I think I'm supposed to flail...”


New Business

Usual suppression of usual complaint. Usual disappearance of usual dissidents. Usual gulag.

All in favor of Number 9 chickens 9-9-9-Mein Fuehrer! I can walk! plus Spehn

We're submitting something to the Politburo. Apparently, it's 9.

How can we do Watchmen for people who don't fear nuclear war?

The ghost just closed the door.

Motion to send Kevin's hat down Hatrack River to Orson Scott Card's Cave o' Crazy fails for lack of a second.


Future Business

Andrew's hair-related banana motion fails lame-lame-laaaaaaame plus Spehn.

A confused-looking member arrives. “I hear Ben Bova is in town.” “Not that we've heard, but David Brin is coming!” “Who? David Bowie?” “No.”

Motion to .*banana and something something Uumin and Thuurin Hebrew divination methods and a shiny for the Trojan passes an exodus-0-0 plus Spehn

BING! Meeting adjourned, 66.6 Ksec SST.

Respectfully submitted,
Christian Ternus, Onseck