MIT Science Fiction Society

84 Massachusetts Avenue

Cambridge, MA 02139

MITSFS Meeting Minutes

Friday, May 22, 2009

MITSFS meeting called to order, 61.2 Ksec SST, Miss Katie Ray, President and Skinner, presiding; Susan Shepherd, Onseck, recording.

Minutes read.

Motion to commend the minutes for being completely indeterminate passes 11-4-2 plus Spehn.

Thunderbunny eKate: I never had help remembering the numbers. MKR: You never seemed to need it. KCR: Maybe it was because you said them more assertively. eKate: Oh. Well, most of the numbers were a lie.

KKB has finished her thesis yay.

Motion to commend the thesis for being done passes 20-0-1 plus Spehn.



Committee Reports


HassleComm did work on hardcovers. Now BlueBellComm has to do work.

KKB: There seem to be a lot more people with power to do timewarps. The revolution is coming.


The people who want to donate keep emailing us. Trojan will take care of this now that her thesis is done.


Old Business

There was a picnic.

Usual motion. Usual complaint. All this has happened before and will happen again.


New Business

Summer is here.

There are pretty signs in the Infinite. Trust the Core. Remember Byron.

Any motions? Sold.

The motion to ``sold!'' chickens 0-6-8 plus Spehn.


Future Business

KCR: In the future there will be telepathic space goths. EKate: Chekov is totally not a space goth... KCR: I wasn't talking about him.

Motion to annoy the onseck fails for lack of a second.

KCR: I don't like being hit over the head with metaphors. eKate: But he's pretty...

Motion to send a banana back in time to annoy the Minbari government passes 13-0-3 plus Spehn.

BING! Meeting adjourned, 66.6 Ksec SST.

Respectfully submitted,
Susan Shepherd, Onseck