MIT Science Fiction Society

84 Massachusetts Avenue

Cambridge, MA 02139

MITSFS Meeting Minutes

Friday, 29 April 2011

MITSFS meeting called to order, 66.6 Ksec SST, Paul Weaver, President and Skinner, presiding; lemur (DWR), Onseck, recording.

Minutes read.

"Where's Brian when you need him?" fails for lack of a second.



Committee Reports


Tomorrow is the last day of Script Frenzy, and Nanocomm will have a write-in during NH's hours!


It's MIT150 Open House this weekend. We want the library open as much as possible, so full credit for impromptu hours all weekend.


Various people think the Vice should use her Vice supplies to make people write scripts.


There is now a list of new reserve books people should review, and are allowed to check out for review purposes. People should review more books, even if they aren't keyholders!


We did work and defeated the backlog, but then the backlog returned and we are scared.


Next Friday we have an elections meeting! Next Saturday we will have a picnic! People should sign up to go to the picnic! And should be aware that Lakeside Incident isn't a time conflict, because a lot of people going will be back for it.


We have a new prentice, lknight.


Old Business

In the 1960's, the plot of a new Doctor Who episode shown this week happened.

Last week, the second episode of The Game of Thrones came out.

Are there any other motions people want to make? PASSES n-m-4 plus Spehn.



New Business

We have something like eleven people in the library during a meeting! Two of them are prentices and six are keyholders. Five of them are undergrads!

There is a huge open house this weekend!


Future Business

In the future the Onseck will catch up with the minutes.

In the future, the second half of the two-part Doctor Who episode that happened in the past will happen.

In the future, there may be a dinner mob with bananas? (5-4-4 plus Spehn)

Motion that ALC should say whatever it is he's trying to say. (4-8-2 plus Spehn)

Friendly amendment to the first motion to note that linearly extrapolating the past week's change in weather patterns, we will soon be in a tropical climate, and thus we ought to start banana plantations.

Motion to have a matrix vote! (2-3-4 plus Spehn)

And the determinant is 79 and all motions PASS!

BING! Meeting adjourned, 68.4 Ksec SST.

Respectfully submitted,
lemur (DWR), Onseck