MIT Science Fiction Society

84 Massachusetts Avenue

Cambridge, MA 02139

MITSFS Meeting Minutes

Friday, May 8, 2015

MITSFS meeting called to order, 63.4 Ksec SST,

Cathleen Nalezyty, President and Skinner, presiding; Laura McKnight, Onseck, recording.

No meeting has been held in some time. No minutes read.



Committee Reports

An awesome alum wants to give us money for space! But this is difficult because there is no space. No where. The space is all gone, gone forever, in to a little dot. Fwoomp.


Old Business

Harriet was made a key holder!


Current Business


Jarvis and Spencer jointly win!

9 Harriet

1 Tyrion Lannister

3 Smaug

0 Gringott's Bank

0 The Feeral Reserve

0 The worldd bank

0 Donald Trump

1 ketchup

1 “me”

Harriet wins!

5 Sarah

0 Gluttony

0 Greed

3 Steer Roast

1 Sloth

0 Pride

1 Miami

0 Lust

3 Irene Adler

1 Carmen Sandiego

0 Wrath

0 Envy

1 heat death of the universe!

Irene Adler wins! and Sarah guesses that since she took second place she'll help her out. Sarah chooses greed as her vice, on account of having been LHE for so long.

8 Cathleen

2 42

0 Obama

2 Jack Florey

1 James E. Tetazoo

1 J. Arthur Random

0 Stephen Harper

0 Reif

0 Harrison (Ford, Wells, George)

1 coral reef

1 flip phones

1 third law of robotics

1 nobody

1 king george

1 dumbledore

1 harrison ford

1 everyone named harrison

sarah motions to eat banana yea-14, nay- 0, chicken-4

motion passes, yay!


Meeting adjourned by skinnerial decree, 64.76 Ksec SST.

Respectfully submitted,

Laura McKnight, Onseck